How does SkidCar™ work?

Is learning this way dangerous?

This is not dangerous at all. The driving coach can make real-time changes to the vehicle's traction at any moment.


The controlled skid training begins with the student driving at a very low speed (5 - 10 mph). As the training progresses and the driver gains skill and confidence, the coach can gradually increase speed.

Does the weather have to be bad for skid training?

The beauty of the skid avoidance defensive driving course is that we can train drivers throughout the seasons on dry or wet pavement.

How much time is spent learning behind the wheel?

About one hour is spent in the classroom, with the remaining time behind the wheel. For group or family training behind the wheel, participants are in the car, with one student behind the wheel and the others observing. We rotate through each student in three-minute increments for each lesson point.

Can my teenager attend the SkidCar training on their own?

Although we think it's a great idea for parents to participate in their teen's skid avoidance and defensive driving, it is possible to drop off your teen for training after you sign a liability waiver. However, we strongly recommend that parents stay for the initial classroom portion to receive highly instructive information. Note that the teen must already have obtained his/her driver's permit in order to receive training.

When you train at my location, how much open driving area is needed for training with the SkidCar?

An idea training pad would be at least 300 feet x 300 feet. The area needs to be smooth and free of any potholes, dividers, speedbumps, or any other pavement protrusion. Note that parking lot lights are fine, as we can work around them.

Why should I learn skid control if my vehicle has built-in safety features like ESC, ABS, and traction control?

When a vehicle begins to go out of control, the driver has the instinctive reaction to take control. What usually ends up happening is the driver works against the vehicle's corrective action and ends up in a crash. First Gear teaches you how to override the instinct to take over. You'll learn how to work with the vehicle so it can correct the problem.

Will taking a skid avoidance defensive driving course lower my vehicle insurance?

We've heard back from many of our students that they did receive a lower vehicle insurance rate after providing proof of taking the Skid Avoidance Defensive Driving Course. This can be quite significant if you have to ensure a family of drivers or fleet of drivers. Of course, your insurance carrier may have different underwriting rules, so you'll need to check with them.

Can I train behind the wheel using my own vehicle with the SkidCar equipment?

This just isn't possible, as it takes a significant amount of time and effort to calibrate the SkidCar equipment and software for a particular vehicle.

How do you handle payments for the course?

You can go to the signup and scheduling page to enter your information. After that, the website will direct you to the online payment page.

Can you train our fleet drivers at our location instead of us coming to First Gear?

We can come to your location with the SkidCar, though for traveling to you we do have certain minimum class size requirements. Please contact us for more information.

Can I take my Class B driving skills test with First Gear?

First Gear has an affiliation with the Commercial Vehicle Training Center in Watkins, Colorado, who can provide the training necessary for you to take your Class B driving skill test.

Does First Gear provide the six hours behind the wheel training for new drivers as mandated by the State of Colorado?

No, First Gear does not provide that service.

I'm interested in the corporate fleet training, but there are some particular scenarios I'd like to make sure we cover in the course. Can you customize the training?

We sure can! We recommend that the person responsible for the overall training (such as the manager) takes our Family Drive course with us. Then we can sit down and discuss what things you want to add to or change about the course. For more information, you can contact First Gear to discuss it or go ahead and schedule a class.